MetaMaze Mac OS

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  1. Metamaze Mac Os Catalina
  2. Metamaze Mac Os X
  3. Metamaze Mac Os 11
v0.39.1 / Operations Guide / Installing Metabase
  1. The Meta Key (denoted as M or Meta) is a modifier key which mean it temporarily modify the normal action of another key when pressed together. Common modifier keys are shift, alt, or control. The meta key was a special modifier key marked with a solid diamond ◆.
  2. The Mac Application is the easiest way to setup Metabase locally on macOS for personal use. Note that currently the Mac Application is not setup for shared use, so some Metabase features which involve the rest of your team won’t be possible. Installing the Mac Application.

Once the Mac OS does kick-off the extraction of metadata from a file, it does so through a Spotlight Importer. Spotlight Importers are plug-ins for the Mac OS that a developer provides specifically for helping files created by their applications to be searchable within Spotlight.

Metabase is built and packaged as a Java jar file and can be run anywhere that Java is available. Below we provide detailed instructions on how to install and run Metabase in a variety of common configurations.

Running the Jar File

This is the simplest and most basic way of running Metabase. Here we’ll cover the general requirements for running Metabase and provide some information about how to customize your installation for any scenario.

Metamaze Mac Os Catalina

Running the Mac Application


Metabase provides a binary Mac OS X application for users who are interested in trying Metabase on a Mac system.

Running on Docker

If you are using Docker containers and prefer to manage your Metabase installation that way then we’ve got you covered. This guide discusses how to use the Metabase Docker image to launch a container running Metabase.

MetaMaze Mac OS

Cloud Platforms

Running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Step-by-step instructions on how to deploy Metabase on Elastic Beanstalk using RDS. This is the most common way to run Metabase in production.

Running on Heroku

Metamaze Mac Os X

Currently in beta. We’ve run Metabase on Heroku and it works just fine, but it’s not hardened for production use just yet. If you’re up for it then give it a shot and let us know how we can make it better!

Running on Debian as a service

Community support only at this time, but learn how to deploy Metabase as a service on Debian (and Debian-based) systems. Simple, guided, step-by-step approach that will work on any VPS.

Running on Kubernetes

Metamaze Mac Os 11

Community Helm chart for running Metabase on Kubernetes