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Home > HCAS > HCAS_PUBS > HCAS_JOURNALS > TQR Home > TQR > Vol. 3 > No. 4 (1997)

Article Title



In the first article in this series (Tellis, 1997a) the author presented the background on the history and importance of the use of the case method of research. The second article (Tellis, 1997b) presented a proposed methodology based on the literature and an application of the methodology in an information technology case. The current article will present a suggested format for reporting case research results. The article will review the goals and objectives of the research project and present various tables containing the results of the data analysis conducted for the project. The article will finally present conclusions drawn from the results, and what future researchers might wish to pursue.



qualitative research

Publication Date


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.



Recommended APA Citation

Tellis, W. M. (1997). Results of a Case Study on Information Technology at a University. The Qualitative Report, 3(4), 1-25.

Included in


Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies Commons, Social Statistics Commons

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On 2016-02-10 16:19, Tom Lane wrote:
> I wrote:
>> Artur Zakirov <a(dot)zakirov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru> writes:
>>> I think this is not a bug. It is a normal behavior. In Mac OS
>>> sscanf()
>>> with the %s format reads the string one character at a time. The size
>>> of
>>> letter 'х' is 2. And sscanf() separate it into two wrong characters.
>> That argument might be convincing if OSX behaved that way for all
>> multibyte characters, but it doesn't seem to be doing that. Why is
>> only 'х' affected?
> I looked into the OS X sources, and found that indeed you are right:
> *scanf processes the input a byte at a time, and applies isspace() to
> each byte separately, even when the locale is such that that's a
> clearly
> insane thing to do. Since this code was derived from FreeBSD, FreeBSD
> has or once had the same issue. (A look at the freebsd project on
> github
> says it still does, assuming that's the authoritative repo.) Not sure
> about other BSDen.
> I also verified that in UTF8-based locales, isspace() thinks that 0x85
> and
> 0xA0, and no other high-bit-set values, are spaces. Not sure exactly
> why
> it thinks that, but that explains why 'х' fails when adjacent code
> points
> don't.
> So apparently the coding rule we have to adopt is 'don't use *scanf()
> on data that might contain multibyte characters'. (There might be
> corner
> cases where it'd work all right for conversion specifiers other than
> %s,
> but probably you might as well just use strtol and friends in such
> cases.)
> Ugh.
> regards, tom lane
Definitive FreeBSD Sources:

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Larry Rosenman
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